Why CBD & What You Should Know

We’ve seen a lot of talk lately around the rising popularity of CBD, with more of us dabbling and experimenting with CBD products.

But what is CBD? 
CBD or short for Cannabidiol, is an extract that can be derived from either hemp or cannabis plants.  It is non-psychoactive in nature — meaning that it does not produce the psychological impairment characteristic of marijuana.

Consumer Perspective
What CBD does produce, according to its advocates in the industry is relief from certain psychological and physical symptoms.  Among those who have actually tried CBD, 86% in the U.S. and UK believe it to be effective for physical ailments and 84% believe it to be effective for mental health symptoms.  So that partly explains what all the fuss is about! 

Why it's important to research
However, given the fact that CBD is still relatively in its infancy and is about to enter it’s formal phase of regulation  - more on this soon - unfortunately, there are some products out there that aren’t genuine.  This is where the CBD ingredients on the back of a box do not always reflect what is in the bottle.  
For example, following a study conducted back in 2019, a substantial 62% of wellbeing products didn’t contain the CBD content promised on the label.  While 45% of products were found to contain a detectable amount of THC, which is illegal in the UK.  This is pretty shocking. 
So, in a nutshell, what we’re trying to say is that you need to do your research and if you’re keen to engage with CBD - find a brand you can trust. 

Next Level Transparency 
At Conscious {by design}, as a wellness company we’re not trying to pull the wool over your eyes with false information or unnecessary marketing fluff. We believe in honesty and transparency - from the sourcing of our premium CBD oil to clear dosage instructions, one strength and four functions.  It’s simple.
Stay tuned to find out more information about the myths about CBD and the upcoming changes for the CBD industry as a whole in the UK and what that ultimately means to you, the consumer.